Monday, June 3, 2013

Inspiring lesson of LOVE from 2 year old Luiz Antonio

I saw this today and just had to share it as it was so beautiful that it brought tears to my eyes.  This young child expresses with such innocent beauty that eating animals doesn't make sense to him.  "When we eat animals they die!" Luiz Antonio exclaims. "I don't like that they die. I like that they stay standing up."  "These have to take care of them....not eat them!" 

It took me 34 years to come to this realization.  The issue of being vegetarian or vegan goes far beyond just health benefits.  It is an issue of love.  There is a lot I could reflect upon here in terms of how I came to make my own decision to become vegetarian, but I think Luiz explains it beautifully and needs no further comment from me.

If only we could all be more childlike in our approach to life....ask more questions, speak up when things don't make sense, feel and express our emotions as we are experiencing them.


1 comment:

Jen said...

Hi Charlotte,

Yes it is really beautiful, very touching, we can learn a lot from children. They can be more wise then us and show us how to become like a child again and open our hearts up to love more. Thank-you :)
